Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

452 The LivingTemple. Fart lì. up his holy cheering Influences and Communications from an haughty Mifcreant ; that it might try, and feel what afort of God it could be to it felf. But to return ! The State of the Cafe being unalter'd, and every way the fame, as when he withdrew, no Repa- ration being made, no Atonement of- fered, had been, inlead ofjudging his offending Creature, to havejudg'd him - felf, to refcind his own Sentence, as if it hadbeenunjuft ; to tear his Aft and Deed, as if it had been the product of a rafh and hafty Pafiion ; not of ma- ture and wife Counfel and Judgment, The Indecency, and Unbecomingnefs whereof bad been the greater, and the more confpicuous ; by howmuch the greater, and more peculiar Favour it was to reflore his gracious Prefence, or (which is all one) the Influences of his Holy Spirit. Further confider, 2. That fince nothing was mote nece{fary for the t;eftitution of God's Temple, it had been ftrange if, in the Congitution of EMMANZJEL for this purpofe, this had been omitted : For it is plain, that without it things could