Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IL The Living Temple. 453 could never have come to any better State and Posture between God and Man; God must have let him beat the fame difiance, without giving him his Spirit. Neither could He honourably converfe with Man ; nor Man poffibly converfe with Him. Man had ever born towards God an implacable heart. And whereas it is acknowledg'd, on all hands, his Repentance, at leatt, was neceffary both on God's Account, and his own, that God might be reconciled to him, who without intolerable Di- minution to himfelf, could never o- therwife have {hewn him Favour. He had always carried about him the sgd'iav ,itAid/Aimlov, the Heart that could not repent. The carnal Mind, which is Enmity against God, is neitherfirbje4. to him, nor can be, had remained in full Power. There had never been any ftooping, or yielding on Man's part. And there had remained, Le- fides, all manner of Impurities ; flesh- ly Lusts had retained the Throne ; the Soul of Man had continued a Cage of every noyforne and hateful thing, the most unfit in all the World, to have been the temple of the holy blefed God. It had neither Rood with his ,( ./efly Gg3 to