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454 The Living Temple. Part I.T. to have favoured an Impenitent, no with his Holinefs to have favoured fo impure a Creature. Therefore, with- out thegiving of his Spirit to mollify and purify the Spirits of Men, his Ho- nour, in fuch a Reconciliation, had never been falved. And take the Cafe as it mull (land on Man's part, his Happinefs had remained impoffible. He could never have con- vertf with God, or taken Complacen- cy in him, to whom he had continued everlaflinglyunfuitable and difaffeded. No valuable End could have been at, tained, that it was either fit God fhould have defigned for himfelf, o was neceffary to have been effected for Man. In íhort, there could have been no Temple.: God could never have dwelt with Man; Man would never have receiv'd him to dwell with. 3. But it is evident this was not o- mitted, in the Conflitution of EMMA- NJEL. It being provided, and pro- cured, by his dear Expence, that he fhouldhave in him a ,Fulnefr of Spirit Not meerly as God; for fo, in refe- fence toOfending Creatures, it had been lcfed But as Emrnantrej, as a Medic d lto