Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part H. The Living Temple. 45 5 atour, a Dying Redeemer 5 for only by fuel) a One, or by him asfuch, it could be communicated 5 fo was there a Sit- ciency for this Purpofe of Refloring God's Temple. And why was he in this way to become fiiicient, if, after- wards, he might have been wav'd, negle&ed, and the fame Work have been done another way ? 4. It could only be done this way, in and by EMMANZJEL. .As filch, he had both Natural The Power in Conjun&ion 5 Moral which were neceffary to effe& it. (1.) The Natural Power of Deity which was in him, was only compe- tent for this purpose. Herein had he the Advantage infinitely of all Humane Power and Greatnefs. If an offended fecular Prince had never fo great a mind to fave and reflore a condemn'd Favourite, who betides that he is of fo haughty a Pride, and fo hardned in his Enmity, that he had rather die, thin Gg 4 fup-