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456 The Living Temple. Part H. fupplicate, bath contra&ed all, other vicious Inclinations, is become infa- moufly immoral, debaucht,, dif- hone falfe, and we will fuppofeflu- pid, and bereft of the fprightly Wit that grac'd his former Converfation his merciful Prince would fain pre- ferve and enjoyhim as before ; but he cannot change his Qualities, and can - not but be afham'd to converfe famili- arly with him, while they remain un- changed. Now the Bleffed EMMA NZUEL, as he is God, can, by giving his Spirit, doall his Pleafure in fuck a Cafe. And he hath asfuch too, (2.) The moral Power of doing moft righteoufly and becomingly ofGod, à. e. Upon confederation of that great and noble Sacrifice, which as fiich he offered up. He is now enabled to give the Spirit : He might other+ ii do any thing for Man, rather than this. For it imports the greateft Intimacy ima- ginable. All external Overtures and Expreflions of Kindnefs, were no- thing in comparifon of it. And no previous Difpofition towards it, no- thing of Compliance on the Sinner's part, no Self-purifying, noSelf-loath- ing