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Part H. The Living Temple. 457 ing for former Impurities, no fmiting on the Thigh, or faying, What have ,I done, could be fuppoled antecedent to this Communication of the Spirit The Liniverfe can afford no Iike Cafe, between an offending Wretch, and an affronted Ruler. Ifthe greateft Prince on Earth had been never focontumeli- oufly abufed by the molt abject Pea- fant; the diffances are infinitely lefs, than between the injur'd glorious Ma- jefty of Heaven, and the guilty Sin. ner ; the Injury done this Majeffy in- comprehenfibly greater. .And betides all other Differences in the twoCafes, there is this molt im- portant one, as may be colle&ed from what bath been fo largely difcours'd, that the principal thing in the Sentence and Curfe upon Apoífate Man, was [That God's Spirit fhould retire, and be withheld, fo that he fhould converfe with him, by it, no more.] The con- demning Sentence upon a Criminal, loth in Secular, Governments extend to Life andElate ; filch a one might Le pardoned as to both, and held ever at a diffance. If before he were a Fa- vourite, he may ffill remain difcourt- ed. Familiar Converfe with his Prince;