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Part II. The Living Temple. 45 9 In the prefent Cafe ; what was in it felf fo neceffary to the intended End, was only poffible to EMMA.NUEL who, herein, becomes moft intimate to us, and, in the fulleft Senfe, ad- mits to be fo called ; and was, there- fore, necefary to be done [by him.] Unlefs his fo rich Sufficiency, and his End it fef, fhould be loft together. Thus far we have been confidering XL the Temple of God individually taken as each flan, once become fincerely good and pious, renewed, united with EMMAN7JEL, i. e. with God in Chrifl, and animated by his Spirit, nay be himfelf a Jingle Temple to the moil High God. I might now pats on to treat of the External State, of the Chriftian Church, and of the whole Community o fChrians, who collec7ively taken, and built upon the Foundation of the Apofiles and Pro- phets ; yefiur Chriii himfelf being the chief Cornerftgne, in whom fitly framedEph.2.2o0 and builded together, theygrow unto an holy Temple in the Lord ; and are in this éompaced State, an Habitation of God through the Spirit. Dut