Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

460 The Living Temple. Part II. But this larger SubjeF, the Outer- Court of this l emple, is, I find, befet and overfpread with fcratching Bryars and Thorns. And for thefacred Stru- ,,re it felf, tho' other Foundation none can lay, than that is laid, which is 7efus Chrifl, z Cor. 5. I I, &c. Yetfomeare for fuperltruding one thing,force ano- ther, fome Gold, Silver,precious Stones others, Wood, Hay, Stubble. I am, for my part, content, that every Man's Work be made manifef, when the Day (hall declare it. Great Differences there have long been, and ftíll areabout Pettingup (the 77-7tipi ),1) the Pinacles, and adjoyning certain Append ides, which fome have thought may innocently and becomingly belong to it. And verydifferent Sen- timents there have been about modify- ing the Services of it Some too are for garnifhing and adorning it one way, fome another. And too many agitate thefe little Differences, with fo contentions Heats and Angers, as to e- vaporate the inward Spirit and Life, and hazard theConfumption of the Holy Fabrick it fe f Ill Willers look on with pleafure, and do hope the vio- lent Convulsions which they behold, will