Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part H. The Living Temple. 46 tear the whole Frame in pieces, and fay in their Hearts, down with it even to the Ground. But it is built ona Rock, againfl which the Gates ofHell can nevo prevail !. It ought not to bedoubted, but that there will yet bea time, of fo copious an Effufion ofthe Holy Spirit, as will invigorate itafrefh, and make it fpring up out of its macilent, wither'd State, into itsprimitive Livelynefs and Beau- ty. When it íhall, according to the intended fpiritual meaning, refemble the external Splendour of its ancient Fi- gure ; Sion, the Perfeíiion of Beauty ; and arife andThine the Glory ofthe Lord being riven upon it. But if before that time there be a Day that (hall burn as an Oven, and make the Hemifphere as one fiery Vault, a Day wherein the Jealous God íhall plead againft the Chriflian Church for its Lukewarmnefs and fcandalous Coldnefs in the Matter offeriousfubftantial Religion ; and np lefs fcandalous Heats and Fervours a- bout trivial Formalities, with juft' In- dignation, and flames of confirming Fire, then will the Straw and Stubble be burnt p ; and fuch as were vincere, tho' : to intent