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462 The Living Temple. Part IL intent upon fuch little Trifles, be fa.z vedyetfo as through Fire. A twofold Effufion we may ex- pea, of the Wrath, and of the Spi- rit of God : The former to vindicate himfelf ; the other to reform us. Then will this Temple no more be term'd Foffaken ; it will be iF,ually and in fret) what in right it is always, Be- thel, The Houfe of God, and the Gate ofHeaven. 'Till then, little Pro- fprity is to be hoped for in the Chriflian Church; Spiritual, without a large Communication of the Spirit, it cannot have ; External (without it) it cannot bear. It was a noted. Pagan's inlrmi eft Obfervation and Experiment, how in- etnimi non capable a weak Mind is ofa profperous P°1-1` pai State. In Heaven there will be no Divieiar, Sen. need ofAfi6tions : On Earth, theDi- flempers ofMens Minds do both need and caufe them. The Pride, Avarice, Envyings, Selfconceitednefs, abound- ing each in their own Senfe, minding every one their own things, without re- gard to thofe ofanother,anhaughty con- fidence of being always in the right, with Contempt and bard Eenfures of them that differ, fpurningat the Roy- al Law of, Doing as one would be done to 5