Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part Il. The Living Temple. 463 to ; of bearingwith other:, as one would be born with, evil Surmilings. The Imperioufnefs of force, and peevish- nefs of others, to be found among them that bear the Chriflian Name, will not let theChurch, the Houfe of God, be in Peace, and deferve that it fhould not; but that he fhould let them alone to punifh themselves, and one another. But the nearer we approach, on Earth, to the Heavenly State, which on- ly a more copious and general pouring forthof the Bleífed Spirit will infer,the more capable we (hall be of inward and outward Profperity , both together. Then will our Differences vanifh of courfe. The External Pompoufnefs of the Church will be lefs studied, the Life and Spirit of it much more; and if I may exprefs my own f nje, as to this matter, it fhouldbe in the words of that worthy ,Ancient, viz. That firpJs o®e pofrng an Option or Choice were left me, luf , L. 2. Iwould choofe to have lived in a timeEph.236. when the Temples were lefs adorned with allforts ofMarbles, the Church not being deftitute ofSpiritual Graces.