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464 The Li=ving Temple. Part II'. In the mean time, 'till thofe hap- pier Days come, wherein Chriftians (hall be of one Heart and one Way. They that can attain fo far to bear one anothers yet remaining Differ- ences . And fince it is impofl'ible for all to woríhip together within the Walls of the fame material Temple, that they choofe ordinarily to do it; where they obferve the ' neareft Ap- proach to God's 'own .Pule and Pa- tern ; and where; upon Experience, they find molt of Spiritual Advan- tage and Edification, not defpifing, much lefs paganizing thofe that are built, with them, upon the fame Foundation, becaufe of circumftanti- al Difagreements ; nor making meet Circurrfìances, not prefcribed byChrift himlelf, theMeafures, and Boundaries of Chrftian Communion, or any thing elf' that Chrift hath not made fo. That abhor to fay (èxclufively) Chriat is here, or íhere, lò as to deny him to be any ,here elfe ; or to confine his Prefence to this, or that Party ; or to a 7étnple fo or fo 'rnodify'd, by no Dire6tion from hrmfelf ; or if a- ny thorough miftake, or the preju- dices of Education and Converfe, be. of