Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II. The Living Temple. 465 of narrower .Minds, and will refute our Communion, unlefs we will em-- brace theirs upon fuch Terms as to abandon the communion of all other Chriflians, that are upon the fame bottom with our flues and them ; that even as to them we retain a Charitable Hope, that our Bleffed Lord will not therefore exclude them ; becaufe, thorough their too intenfe Zeal for the little things, whereof they have made their Partition-Wall, theyexclude us. Ifagain ; we be not too pofitive, or too prone to difpute a- bout thofe minute Matters, that have. been controverted by the moft judi- cous and fincere Servants of our Lord, on the one hand, and the o- ther, in former Days; and with lit - tle efe& ; as if we underflood more than any of them, had engroft all Knowledge, and Wifdom were to die with us ! And that with our Bolt, too fuddainly [hot, we could out-[hoot all others that ever had gone before us. H h