Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

4¢6 The Living Temple. fart II. If our Minds be well furnifbed with Humility, Meeknefs, Modefty, Sincerity, Love to God, and His Chrifé, and our Brethren, no other- wife diftinguifht, than by their vili- ble avowed Relation to him : This will conftitute us fuch Temples, as whereunto the Blef['ed God will ne- ver refufe his Prefence. And do more to keep the Chrigian Church in a tolerable good State, 'till the aaAivy rtkt, the Times of Refitution come, than the molt fervent Difpu- tations ever can. . And fo (hall I take leave of this Subjef, in hope that, through the Bleffing of God, it may be of ule to foam that [hall allow themfelves to read arid confider it. Requeft- ing only fuch as are weary of li- ving as without God in the World, that they defer not to invite, and admit the Divine Prefence 'till they fee all agreed about every little thing &a belongs to his Temple, or May be thought to belong to it, but ,refolve upon what is plain and great, grid which all that are Serious, that have