Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IL The Living Temple. 467 have any Regard to God, or their own Everlailing Well-being, cannot but agree in, i. e. forthwith to lift up the Everlafi ing Doors that the King of Glory may come in. Do it with- out Delay; or Difputation: Let o- thers difpute little Punctilio's with one another, as they pleafe ; but dó not you difpute this grand Point, with him. Look to EMMANUEL 5 confider Him in the feveral Capaci- ties, and in all the Accompli{hments, Performances, Acquifitions, by which He is fo admirably fitted to bring it about, that God may bave his Temple in your Breaft.: Will you defeat fo kind, and fo glorious a Defign ? Behold, or li(len, Doth he not fiand at the Door, and knock Rev. 3. 2o. Confider, as Exemplary, the Tem- per of the Royal Pfalmift, how he f ware---- how he vowed -- I will not come into the Tabernacle of my Ilonfe, nor go up into ray Bed ; I will not give Sleep to my Eyes, nor Slumber to my Eye-lids, 'till I have found out 4 (lace for the Lord, an Habitations for H h the