Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

468 The Living Temple. Part II. the mighty God! Pfal. 132. Yours is a Bufinefs of lefs Inquifition, 'lefs' Expence ! His Temple is to be with- in you. Lament, O bitterly Lament, the common Cafe, that he may look thorough a whole ' World of In- telligent Creatures, and find every' Bream, 'till he open, Phut up agàinft him ! All agreeing to exclude . their molt gracious rightful Lord, choo- fing rather to live defolate without him! The Preparation, or prepared Man- fion, is a penitent, purged willing Heart ! Fall down and adore this moft Admirable and ° Condefcending Grace ; that the High and Lofty ONE, who inhabits Eternity, who having made a World, and Sur- veying the Work of his own hands, enquires, Where fhall be my 'Houfe, and the Place of my Refi ? ' and thus refolves it himfelf: The humble,° broken, contrite Heart! There, there, I will dwell ! If