Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Fart IL The Lkì ng Temple. 469 if you have fuch a Temple for him, Dedicate it. Make haft to do fo : Doubt not its Suitablenefs. 'Tis his ownChoice, his own Workmanfip. The Rege- nerate New Creature. He himfelf, as EMMANVEL, path procur'd, and prepar'd it, knowing what would be moft grateful, moft agreeable to him. To the moft exalted Ma)efly, the moll profound , humble , felf-abafe- ment Upon this Confummative Act, the Dedicating of this Temple, I might here fitly enlarge; but having pub- lifht a Difcourfe already fome Years ago, under this Title of SELF-DEDICATION; Which you may either find annexed to this, or have apart by it felt, at your own Choice,; thither I refer you. And becaufe this muft be a Living Temple; there is alfo another extant, upon theft words: Yield your felves to God, as thofe that are alive from the Dead. That