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RO OK S Printed for tiC 0. ppatit turf at the Bible and' Three Crowns inCheapfide. I. CIF Thoughtfulnefsfor theMorrow ; with an Appendix concerning the Immo- derate Defire of Fore-knowing things to Come. 2. Of Charity, in reference to other Mens. 3. The Redeemer's Tears wept over Loft Souls. In a Treatife on Luke 19.41, 42. with an Ap- pendix concerning the Sin againf the Holy Ghoft, and how God is Paid to will the Salvation of them that Peri/h. 4. Sermon, dire&ingwhat we íhall do after a ftri& Enquiry, Whether or no we truly love God. 5. Mrs. Ellher Sampfon'sFuneral Sermon. 6. The Carnality ofReligious Contentions, in twoSermons, at the Merchants Le&lure in Broad- f reet. 7. A calm and fober Enquiry, concerning the Pobility of a Trinity in the Godhead. 8. A Letter to aJFriend, concerning a Pof+ fcript to the Defence of Dr. Sherlock's Notion of the Trinity in Unity : Relating to the Calm and Sober Enquiryon the fame Subjea. 9. A View of that Part of the Confiderations addreft to H. H. about the Trinity. to. AThankfgivingSermon onDecember 2d, 697. I. A Sermon for Reformation of Manners. All theft Written by the ReverendMr. John Howe. AnAbridgment of the Life of the Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter : By E. Calamy. 8vo. .Magnolia Chriffi Americana : Or, TheEccle- fiiafhcal Hiffoty.ofNew-England, from its firfi Planting in the Year 1620. to the Year 1698. in Seven Books, by the Reverend and Learned Cotton Mother, M. A. and Pafior of the North Church in Bofron, New-England.