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BOOKS Printed for Torteitban Ro w fin, at the Golden Lion in St. Paula Church-Yard. AN Abridgment ofthe Lifeof the Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. In 8vo. Exercitations, Critical, Philofophical, Hi(Io- rical, Theological ; on feveral Important Places in the Writings of the Old andNewTeflament, in TwoParts. By john Edwards, D. D. The Works of Bp. Hopkins, in Folio. A Two-fold Difcourfe of Man's Enmity a- gainfl God : Of Reconciliation between God and Man. By john Howe, M. A. A Body of Divinity : Or, TheSum andSub- fiance of Chriflian Religion : Catechiflically propounded and explained, by way ofQueflion and .Anfacer. Methodically and Familiarly bandied, for the Ufe of Families. To which are adjoyned a Tra&, Intituled, Immanuel: Or, The Myfiery of the Incarnationof the Sonof God. By the moil Reverend James TJJher, late Arch- Bifhop of Armagh. To which are added, The Life ofthe Author, containing many remarkable Paffages, &c. A Prac`lical Difcourfe on Righteous Mens De- liverance from the Body ofSin and Death : Be- ing the Subflance of feveral Sermons on Rom. 7. 24, 25. By S. S. Medico-Theologus. To which are added, A few Selea Occafional Poems on feveral Sub ieas fiibfervient to this Difcourfe. The Hiflory of the Apoflles Creed : With Critical Obfervations on its feveral Articles.