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Part II. The Living Temple. 23 ProduElive Caufe ;' And this enough (hews, 2dly, That his Definition of a Subflance proves not, that one Subfiance cannot be produc'd by another : Viz. [That which can be conceived by it fell] for fo it may, without involving the Conception; of that which produces it ; and -robe a Sub fiance fufficiently according to his Defini- tion. Tho' there can be no Inconveni- ence in admitting that things underftood, apart, by themselves 5 may be, after- wards, further, and more clearly under- ftood, by confìdering, and comparing, them in the Habitudes, and References, which they bare as Caufès, and Effeas, (or'otherwife) to one another. And now is his 7th. Propofition, [That it belongs to VIII. the Nature of Sulfiance to exifl.] Which is fo great a Pillar, left it felf without Support : And being underflood of Sub- flance asfilch, as his Terms, and Defivn, require it to be, it is manifestly irrpioirr, communicating the moft fisndanlental At- tribute ofthe Deity, to all Subflance.- And it is as little befriended by Reafon; as it befriends Religion; for itrefts upon no thing, but the foregoing, baffled Propfa- lion; and this Definition, of that which is Def. 5: its own Caufe ; which is, [That whofe Ef- fence involves Exiflence, or which cannot C 4 be