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24 The Living Temple. Part IL be conceived otherroife than as exifting] whereas, it is fufficiently plain, we have a Conception clear enough of the general Nature of a Subftance as fuch, abftraded from Exiftence, or Non-Exiftence, con- ceiving it only to be filch, as if it exiff, Both fubfift in, and by it felt, i. e. with- out having a SubjeE to fupport it; tho' it may befuch, as to have needed a Pro- tht ive, and continually to need a fit- ftaining efficient Caufe. Nor is there lefs Clearnefs in this abftrac`l Conception ofa Subftance, than there is in that of a Mo- ttos, or Accident, which we may con- ceive in an equal Abftraction, from actual Exiftence, or Non-Exit once; underffan- ding it to befuch, as that, if it exist, it doth inexifl or exi Pc only in another. And now is our Way fufficiently pre- pared to the Confideration of his 8th. Pcopofition. LThat all Subftance is necejtrily infinite]. And how is it dernon[trated ? Why, by his 5th. Prop. [That there can be but one Subftance, ofone and thefame Attribute,] which hath been fufficiently raveil'd and expos'd ; fo as not to be left capable of fignifying any thing here, as the Reader will fee by looking back to what bath been faid up- on it. And now it muff quite fink, its W cab RdslancC failing ltd viz. the foregoing 7t% A