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Part II. The Living Temple. 33 ftifficient Only to nóte the more Prin- . As hi, tipal, in the Margent *. Gflea t rtn/ P v God lY be a moFt Simple Being, and that his Attributes do only difr, ratione. Whereas now, he makes his 4ttri4tes as,divers, as exten- fion, and thought, and lays, they ought to be conceiv'd as really diflina. Schol. in Prop. io. There he afferts all things to be created by God, here, nothing. There he makes corporeal fubflance divi/ible ; here, all Jubfonce indi- vifible, &c. And yet in this Work (Vid. SchoL in Prop. i9.) refers us to the former, as if, when the one de(icrp!4 the other, both were firm. His following Propofitions ( and among them thofè mofifirprizing one,c the ibth. and 28th.) tend to evince the Onlinefs of S'irbflance, and the abfo- lute necefity of all Ac`lions ; but upon Grounds, fo plainly already difcover- ed to be vain, andfalfe, that we need follow him no further. Nor is it nes:effary to difprove his ilypothefes, or charge it with the ma- ny Abfurdities that belong to it, they are fo horrid, and notori®ìo, that, tó any one, who is not in love with Ab- furdity for it felt; it will abundantly fuffice to have fhewn he h4th not prov'd it. I cannot but, in the mean time, take forane Notice of tue Genia, which fD ffems