36 The Living Tempte. Part IL felves, and yet depend on another, as on a Subject, or as an efficient Caufe, he is very angry, and fays they, by it, do but crude, andmock, theif Readers, onlybecaufe it croffes and difappoints his and his Matter's impious Purpofe of Deifying every Subftance. And therefore, to ferve that Purpofe, as he fancies, the better, he would more aptly model all things, and reduce them to twodiftin&Kinds only, viz, Of things that may be conceiv'd pri- marily, and in thenifelves, without in- volving the Conception ofanother ; and again, of things that we conceive, not primarily, and in therrfelves, but fe- conciarily, and by another, whofi Con- ception is involy d in their Concepti- on. But all the while, what is there in this, more thanwhat is common, and acknowledg'd on all hands ? as the fenfe of the trivial Dflich he takes the pains to recite, Summus Ari(loteles, &c: But