Part If. The Living Temple. But when all this is granted, what is he nearer his Mark ? Of that for- mer fort, (till, fame are from another; and one other only of, and from it fflf. But then (,fa_ys he) how are thofe former conceiv'd in, and by them- felves ? Well enough, fay í ; for they are to be conceiv'd, as they are to be defan'd.; but the Definition of a thing, is to exprefs only its °von Nature, and Eífence (as Spinora him- felf fays, Schol. 2. in Prop 8.) con- fider'd apart by it felf, into which ( as bath Been faid ) the efficient Cattle , which is extrinfec4l to its enters not; And without .confider- i,ng whether it exist, or exiff not ; becaufe Definitions areof f ecia? (irtds, or common Natures, that exift not as fitch ; not of exijling Individuals, except the one, only fel f fubJ(ling, o- riginal Being, of whole Efence Exi. hence is ; which Spinofa himCelf ac- knowledges, and makes his f 2o:h. Propfition ; as on the other hand that [The Ence of things produc'd by 'God involves not Exi ence] is his 2,4th. XI l. But 37