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/ Part II. The Living Temple. ftrat. Append. Part. I. Cap. 2. he fa.ys thus of God, or of increateSub- fiance, that God cloth eminently con- tain that which is found formally it; created things. i. e. God bath that in his own nature, in which, all cre- ated things are contained in more eminent manner ; and that there is fume Attribute in God, wherein all the Perfections, even of Matter, are after a more excellent manner themfelves contain"d. Having before told us, ( Princip. Part. 1. Axiom. 8. ) That by eminently he underftood, when a Caufe did contain all the reality of its effect more perfectly, than the lea it felf; by formally, when it contained it, in equal Perfection. And fo he might have told him- felf of fomewhat fufficiently Com- mon ( though not univocally) to the Subflance of the Divine Nature, and that of Creatures ; whereon to found the Caufality of the former, in reference to the latter, as effected thereby. But 4