The Living Temple. Part U. The Conceit, that there mutt be fuck a thing as necefary felf-fubf0n Matter, bath, I confefs, feem'd to be favoured by fome, or other, Name a- mong the Ethnicks of that value, as to have given fame Cotntenance to a better Caufe ; betides fomeothers, who with greater Incongruity, and more injury to it, have profefs'd the Chri- ttianName. It bath been of late efpoufed, and affected more exprefly, by this French Gentleman, who bath not thought fit to dignify it with his Name, doubt- ing perhaps, whether the acquainting the World with it, might not more difcredit hisCaufe, than his Caufe (in this part of it) could better the Re- putation of his Name. However it be, tho' my Enquiry, and credible Information, hath not left me ignorant, I {hall not give him occafion to think himfeif uncivilly treated, by divulging what he' feems willing fhouldbe a Secret. For, tho' it was not intrufted to me, as filch, I (hall be loath to difoblige him by that, whereby, that I know, I can oblige no Body elfe. 'Tis enough that his Book may be known by its Title,