48 The Living Temple. Part if thofe wherewithhe graces the 3d. O- pinion, betides the other ill Company, Which might be of igned it, if that were a convictive wayof fighting, by Names. IV. And for what he adds, That Mofes was, he dares fay, of his Opinion ; be- cauf he only gives filchan aci ount ofthe Creation; as that it was made of an un- formed pre-exiflent Matter: And the Apoftle Paul to the Hebrews, laying; God drew thefevifble things out of thof that were not vifble. He thews, indeed, more Daringnefs than fOlid judgment, in venturing to fay the one or the other, upon fo flender Ground. As if every thing were falle, which Moles and Paiddid not fay. But it appears rather from his way of quoting ( who, 'tis like, did not much concern himfelf to turn over the leaves ofthe Bible, that he might be lure to quote right) that God did create that unformed Matter, as he calls it. For 'tis exprelly Paid, God created .Heaven, and Earth, and that this Earth (not Matter) was without form and void; Gen. 1. i, 2. And if this unformed Earth, and Matter, be (as with him it