Part H. The Living Temple. 51 r. How inconfflently he afferts it, V., z. With the Truth ofthe thing. For 'ft.. whatfoever exiíts independently, and neceffarily, is infinite. And herein I muff do Spinofa that right, as to ac- knowledge he hath, in affecting it, done right toTruth ; tho' the Grounds upon which he afferts it, are molt per- nitioully falfe ! But I conceive it is ca- pable of beingclearly proved (and hath been proved Part ill.) otherwife, viz. that neceffary, felf- originate Being, is the Root and Fountain of all Being, whether actual, or po ble ; fince there is nothing actually brought into Being, which is not actuallyfrom it, and no- thingpoJJîble, but whofe pobility de- pends upon it. And what venially comprehends all Being, actual, and poffible, cannot but be infinite. For without the compafsof fuch all compre- hending Being, there is nothing to bound it. And what is bounded by no- thing, is unbounded,or infinite. Where- upon alto, matter plainly appears not to be ofit fill; For, ifit were, for the fame reafon, it mutt be infinite, and all-comprehending. But nothing were more apparently Contradi tious and E 4 feif.