Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part H. The Living Temple. 51 r. How inconfflently he afferts it, V., z. With the Truth ofthe thing. For 'ft.. whatfoever exiíts independently, and neceffarily, is infinite. And herein I muff do Spinofa that right, as to ac- knowledge he hath, in affecting it, done right toTruth ; tho' the Grounds upon which he afferts it, are molt per- nitioully falfe ! But I conceive it is ca- pable of beingclearly proved (and hath been proved Part ill.) otherwife, viz. that neceffary, felf- originate Being, is the Root and Fountain of all Being, whether actual, or po ble ; fince there is nothing actually brought into Being, which is not actuallyfrom it, and no- thingpoJJîble, but whofe pobility de- pends upon it. And what venially comprehends all Being, actual, and poffible, cannot but be infinite. For without the compafsof fuch all compre- hending Being, there is nothing to bound it. And what is bounded by no- thing, is unbounded,or infinite. Where- upon alto, matter plainly appears not to be ofit fill; For, ifit were, for the fame reafon, it mutt be infinite, and all-comprehending. But nothing were more apparently Contradi tious and E 4 feif.