56 The Living Temple. Part IL Almighty God ; who fills up all fpace unavoidably ; and from all Eternity ; fo that he could not, ifhe thought it a Cumber, Difincumber, or rid himfelf of it ; and rather feem'd of neceffity, than ofchoice, to have made a World of it; as not knowing elfe what to do with it, with which imagination, alto, the Muth ofthe World fo ill agrees ; for why thenwas it fo lately made ? 5. But it further kerns very evident, andmore fully evidential of the Abfur- dity of this Conceit ; that if there werefuch Matter, the World could nee ver have been made of it. For how great Alterations muít fuch rude, undi- gefted, unformed Matter have under- gone, in forming offuck a World as this ? But what greater Inconfaflency can we imagine; than, that what exifis ne- celarily, or of itfelf, fhould be altera- ble ? What is of it Jeffwhat it is, muff he eternally, and without change, what it is. So abfirrd, as well as profane, it will be toafcribe to dull, and fenfelefs Matter ; or to any thing elfe, fo pecu- liar, and appropriate an Attribute, and .Name, as thit of the Deity, I aria that I am. For, hereupon, fuch Matter were not only fupfofed vainly, and to o