Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

66 The Living Temple. Part IL Nor doth this Author deny that there are intelligent Spirits, that were not of themfelves. Only he would have us think them ` but finer Mat- ter, impreft with intelle&ual Pow- er. But what a kin is a Mind to Matter (except his own?) And fup- poling a Mind, or Intellec`l, be flampt upon Matter, 'tis then but added to it, not drawn out of it ; as if Mat- ter had before contained it. And even thus, fince Mind or intelled is not nothing (unlefs he will fay him- felf differs by nothing, fromunthink- ing Clay) we have fomething out of nothing. And who can think it more impoflible to Omnipotency, to create Matter, than a Mind? But if he reckon Thought, or Intel- lea, is contained in Matter, or inclu- ded in the Notion of it, then Matter, as flch, muff be intelligent, and con- fequently all Matter ; and this wilt be Abfirrdity enough, to give him as good a Title to the Priviledge, ofnot being reafoned againft , as from his magiflerial way of writing, we may count Spino/a thought himfelf tohave. Nor, indeed, will it leave any Man fo much as a Conjecture at the reafon, why