66 The Living Temple. Part IL Nor doth this Author deny that there are intelligent Spirits, that were not of themfelves. Only he would have us think them ` but finer Mat- ter, impreft with intelle&ual Pow- er. But what a kin is a Mind to Matter (except his own?) And fup- poling a Mind, or Intellec`l, be flampt upon Matter, 'tis then but added to it, not drawn out of it ; as if Mat- ter had before contained it. And even thus, fince Mind or intelled is not nothing (unlefs he will fay him- felf differs by nothing, fromunthink- ing Clay) we have fomething out of nothing. And who can think it more impoflible to Omnipotency, to create Matter, than a Mind? But if he reckon Thought, or Intel- lea, is contained in Matter, or inclu- ded in the Notion of it, then Matter, as flch, muff be intelligent, and con- fequently all Matter ; and this wilt be Abfirrdity enough, to give him as good a Title to the Priviledge, ofnot being reafoned againft , as from his magiflerial way of writing, we may count Spino/a thought himfelf tohave. Nor, indeed, will it leave any Man fo much as a Conjecture at the reafon, why