Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

\ 50 thought to make the benefit of another terme, before he sold his pl ace; and it pleas'd God in the meane time that arbitrary court was, by the parliament then silting, taken away. Mr. Hutchinson was very seflsible of a peculiar providence to him herein, and resolv'd to adventure no more such hazards, but to retire to that place whither God seem'd to have call'd him by giving him so good an interest there, and to study how he was to emproove that talent. His wife convinc'd by this kind check which God had given to her desires, that she ought to follow her husband where the Lord seem'd to call him, went allong with him, and about October . 1641 they came to their house at Owthorpe. Here Mr. George IIutchinson (Sr. Thomas being then chosen knight for Nottinghamshire, and sitting in the parliament at London) came and gave a glad entertainement of his brother and sister into the country, by his good c-ompany, and they were for a few months peaceful! and happie in their own house, till the kingdome began to blaze out with the long-conceived flame of civill warre. But here I must make a short digression from our particular actions, to summe up the state of the kingdome at that time, which though I cannot doe exactly, yet I can truly relate what I was then able to take notice of, and if any one have a desire of more particular information, there were so many bookes then written, as will sufficiently give it them: and although those of our enemies are all fraught with abominable lies, yett if all ours were supprest, even their owne writings impartially consider'd would be a sufficient chronicle of their injustice and oppression; but I shall only mention what is necessary to be remember'd, for the better canying on of my purpose." ll In a small book, without tbe author's name, preserved in the British Museum, and which is entitled, a l)arallel of Clarendon and VVhitelock, thi s is set in the clearest light possi ble, and in a variety of instances the unfaithfulness of Clarendon's testimony made evident by the production of palpable self-contradictions. :Most of those who read the summary account Mrs. Hutchinson gives of the public transactions, will extremely regret that she was not much more full in it, see ing the candour and perspicuity with which she writes; short as it is} however} it wil-l be found to throw light upon