Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

70 being by her priests affected with the meritoriousnesse of advancing lrcr owne reli gion, whose principle it is to subvert all other, appl ied that way her greate wilt and parts, and the power her haughty spirilt kept over her husband, who was enslav'd in hi,s affec tion only to her, though she had no more passion for him then what serv'd to promote her designes, T hose brought her into a very good corrrespondcncy with the lil-rchbishop and his prclaticall crew, both ioyning in the cruel! designc of rooting the god ly ·out of the land. The foolish protestants were meditat ing rcconcill iations wi th the ·church of Rome, who cmbrac'd them as far as they would goe, carrying them in hand, as if there had bene a possibilli ty of bring- -ing such a thing to passe; meanewhil e they carried on their designe by them, and had so ripened it, that nothing but the mercy of God prevented the utter subversion of protestantisme in the three kingdomes.-Bu t' how much soever their designes were fram 'd in the darke, God re1·cal'd them to his servants, a nd most miraculously order'd providenccs for their p reservation. About the yeare 1639 the Scots, having the English service booke obtruded upon them violently, refus'd it, and tooke a nationa l! covenant agai nst it, and e nter'd E ngla nd with a greate armie, to bring their complaints to the king, whi ch his un fa ithful! ministers did much, as they suppos'd, misreport. The ki ng himself leavied an army against them, wherein he was assisted by the nobillity and gentry, but most of all by the prelates, insomuch that the warre got the name of bellum episcopalc ;' but the commonalty of the nation, being themselves under grievous bondage, were loath to oppose a people that came only to claime their iust liberties. When the king was at Yorke, the chiefe of the .Scotch covenan ters came, under a pretence of treating with the king, but their <:hiefe intent was to disabuse ' the nobillity of England, and to take of their edge against them by remonstrat- ; The bishops' war. k Disabuse, from the f'J·ench desabuser, to undeceive.