Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

76 declaring their good allcctions to the parliament by a petition, gave the king distrust, and he was observ'd to entertainc an extraordinary guard of cavaliers, who killed and wounclecl some of the poore unarm'cl men that pass'cl by his house at Whitehall, and the parliament conceiving themselves not safe, desir'cl a guard might be allow'd them under the command of the Earle of Essex; but he refus'd it, with an assurance that he would command st~ch a guard to waite upon them as he would be responsible to Almighty God for, and that the safety of all and every one of them was as deare to him as that of his owne person and children. Yet the very next day after this false message he came to the house of commons, attended with his extraordinary guard, of about four hundred gentlemen and souldiers, ann'd with swords and pistolls, and there demanded five of their members, whom not finding there (for a greale lady at court hac! before inform'cl one of them of his coming, and the house orclet'd them to retire) he return'd, leaving the house under a high sense of this breach of their priviledge.' At this time the people began in grcate numbers to bring petitions to the king and parliaI' The force of opinion being the only real force of any prince, and the notion of inviolability his best protection, it was a strange infatuation in him to overthrow them both. Turno tempus erit magno cUm optaverit cmptum lntactum Pallanta, et cUm spolia ilia, diemq•.1e Oderit. V JRG. lEn. 10. Th e time shall come when Tumus, but in vain, Shall wish untouclt'd t!tc trophies of the sla-in, .dud curse tltc 'dire 1'cmembmnce of that day. DRYD.EN. An English gentleman, who was resident in France at the time that Louis the Sixteenth sent hi s guards to the parliament of Paris to seize some of the members (one of whom was the famous Duval Despresmenil), and sent out decrees and manifestqes, as has been here just before re lated, made this remark, a He has entered upon the career of Charles the First, and he will follow it to the end." Il est entr6 dans lu carriere de Cha1'les I, et il la suivru jusqu'au bout. \\Then he saw again in England, as eori.-