Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

77 ment, to beg a more chearefull concurrence betwcene them for the reliefe of Ireland, and to encourage the parliament in their honorablc endP.avours for the rcliefe of both kingdomes. The king was offended at this, and relir'd first to Hampton-court, then went \rith the queene to Canterbury, whom he sen t fi·om thence into Holland with her daughter, lately married to the prince of Orange, under pretence of conducting her to l• er owne court, but really to manage his businesse abroad, and procure a rms to be cmploy'd against the parliament, by the sale of the crowne iewclls, , which she carried over with her. After her departure the king, taki ng the prince and the duke of Yorke with him, went to 'l'heobalds, whither the parliament sent a petition to him to returne to his parliament and abide neerc London, and that he would not carry the prince mvay with him, and that he would grant the millilia of the kingdome to be put into such hands as the parliament should recommend, and might confide in; al l which he denied, and went immediately to Newmarket, and from thence t.o Yorke; all this while, by many false pretences, really obstructing , the reliefe of bleeding Ireland, and sed ucing many of the poorc people of England into blood and ruinc. In condl!cting the slate of England, in those dayes, wherein he, whose actions I am tracing, began to enter into his part, in this greate tragedy, I have bene too long for that I intended, and too shor t to give a cleare understanding of the righteonsnesse of the parliament's cause;' which I shall desire you lo informe yourselves grants, the same French gentlemen before whom he had made this rf'mark, they Jemindcd him of iti saying how little probabl e this hnd seemed to them at tile perivd of its being spoken, a year before th e holding of the states general! q Probably f (' w people will think Mrs . l-Jutchi ns6n has been too prolix, many will that she has been too concise. Mr. 1\'lay' s hi story comes down only to September, 1643, which is much to be reg retted, as he may just ly be called an impartial nnd clear historian, but jg little read, probably because hi !> hi story fiui shcs before that period which was the most interesting.