Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

105 distemper with it; which when the weomen about her saw they rail'd at him for his treachery and basenesse, bnt to no purpose. Assoone as he overtooke the body of horse, with his prisoner, there was a shout from one end to the other of the souldiers. Mr. Hutchinson, being brought to the prince, told him he was the younger brother, and not the person he sent for, which three or four of the Birons, his cousin germanes, acknowledg'd to be soe, yet Welch outswore them all, that it was Mr. John Hutchinson. The Lord Viscount Grandison, a cousin germane of :Mrs. Hutchinson's, was then in the king's armie, to whom she immediately dispatcht a messenger, to entreate him to obliege her, by the procurement of her brother's liberty, who, upon her imprudence, had bene brought into that trouble: my lord sent her word, that, for the present, he could not obteine it, but he would endeavour it afterwards, and in the mcane time gave her notice that it was· not safe for her husband to relurne, there being forty men left · to lie close in the country, and watch his coming to her. So M:r. George Hutchinson was carried to Derby, and there, with some difficulty, his liberty obtein'd, by the interposition of my'Lord Grandison and the Birons. They would have had him to have given them an engagement, that he would not take arms with the parliament; but he refus'd, telling them, he liv'd peaceably at home, and should make no engagement to doe any thing, but what his conscience led him to, that if they pleas'd, they might deteine him, but it would be no advantage to them, nor losse to the other side; upon which considerations, they were perswaded to lett him goe. Immediately after his release, he went to London to his father, where his elder brother was before him; for assoone as he understoo:l from h~s wife what his brother sufler'd in his name, he tooke post to London, to procure his release, and there they both stay'd till they receiv'd assurance, that the king's forces were quite drawne out of the country, and then they together return'd to Leicestershire, where Mrs. Hutchinson, within