Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

108 mention him, in my following discourse; and because, although there never was any personal! acquaintance betweene him aud Mr. Hutchinson, yet that natural! antipathie which is bctwcene good and evil, render'd him a very bad neighbour to Mr. Hutchinson's garrison, and one that, under the name of a friend and assistant, spoyl'd our country, as much as our enemies. He indeed gave his men leave to commit all insolencies, without any res treint, whereas JI.Ir. Hutchinson took up armes to defend the country as much as was possible . from being a prey to rude souldiers, and did oftentimes preserve it both from his and other rude iroopes,' which stirr'd up in him envie, hate, and ill will against his neighbour. He was not wise in ordering the scouts and spies he kept out, and so had the 'i"IOrst intelligence in the world . Mr. IIutchinson, on the other side, employ'd i:!genuous persons, and wa~ better inform'd of the true state of thiags, and so, oftentimes commun icated those informations, tr> the chiefe commanders, •:rhich convinc'd the falsehood of his; and that was another cause of envie. Some that knew him well, sayd he was not valiiant, though his men once held him up, among a stand of pikes, while they obtein'd a glorious victory, when the Earle of Northa;npton was slaiue; certeine it is he was never by his good will in a fight, but either by chance or necessity; and that which made tlis courage the more question'cl was, the care he tooke, and th3 expence he was att, to get it weekely mentioned in the diurnalls, so that when they had nothing clce to renowne him for, they once put in tha t the troopes of that valliant commander Sr. John Gel! tooke a dragoo:ct with a plush doublelt. J\fr. Hutchinson, on the other side, th:::_t did well for vertue's sake, and not for the vaine glory of it, nev<Jr would give aniething, to buy the flatteries of those scriblers, and when one of them had once, while he 1 To the interposition of such men as Colonel Hutchinson we must attribute the proportionably small quantity of mischief that was suffered by this nation, in so long and sharp a civi l war as this w;1s.