109 was in towne, made mention of something done at Nottingham, with falsehood, and given Gell the glory of an action wherein he was not concern'd, Mr. Hutcbinson rebuk'd him for it, whereupon the man begg'd his pardon, and told him he would write as much for him, the next weeke: but Mr. Hutchinson told him he scorn'd bis mercenary pen, only warn'd him not to dare to lie in any of his concernments, whereupon the fellow was awed, and he had no more abuse of that kind. But to turne out of tl1is digression into another, not altogether impertinent to the story which I would carrie on. ln Nottinghamshire, upon the edge of Derbieshire, there dwelt a man, who was of meane birth and low fortunes, yet had kept company with the underling gentry of his neighbourhood: this man had the most factious, ambitious, vaineglorious, envious, and mallitious nature that is imaginable; but he was the greatest dissembler, flatterer, traitor, and hipocrite that ever was, and herein had a kind of wicked pollicy, knowing himselfe to be inferiour to all gentlemen, he put on a vizard of godlinesse and humillity, and courted the common people with all plausibillity and flaltery that could be practiz'd; all this while he was addicted to many lusts, especially to that of weomen, but practiz'd them so secretly, that they were not vulgarly taken notice of, though God, to shame him, gave him up to marrie a wench out of one of the alehouses he frequented; but to keepe up a fame of godliilesse, he gave large contributions to puritane preachers, who had the art to stop the people's mouths,Jrom speaking ill of their benefactors. By a thousand arts this fellow became popular, and insinuated himselfe so, into all the gentlemen, that own' cl the parliament's party, that till he was discover'd some years after, they believ'd him a most true-hearted, faithful!, vigilant, active man for the godly interest; but he could never climb higher then a presbyterian persecutor, and in the end fell quite of to a declar'd cavalier. In Sr. George Booth's business, thinking he could