Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

110 sway the scales of a country, he mys'd a troopc, and brought them into Derby, and publisht a declaration of his ownc for the king, then ranne away to Noll ingham, and lost all his troope in the route thei·e, and hid himselfc till the king' came in, when he was rewarded for his revolt witlt an office, which he enioy'd not many months, his wife and he, and some of his children, dying all together in a few dayes of a fcal'cr little !esse then the plague. This man, call'd Chat:les White, att the beginning of the cil'ill warre gott a troopc of dragoones, who arm' cl and mounted themsclYcs out of devotion to the parliament's cause, and being of his neighbourhood, marcht forth in his conduct, he hal'i eg procur'd a commission to be their captaine, and they, having stocks and famclics, were not willing to march as farre as the armie, but ioyn'd themselves to those who were allready in arms at Derby. After the battle at Edge-hill Sr. John Digby, the hi gh sheriffe of Nottinghamshire, return' cl fi·om the king, and had a designe of secm·ing the county against the parliament, whereupon he sent out summons to all the gentlemen resident in the country to mecte him at Newark. :Mr. llutchinson was at the hou ~e of Mr. Francis l'icrrepont, the Earle of Kingston's tltird so111~e, when the letter was deliver' cl him, and another of the same to Ni r. Picrrepont, and while they were reading them, and considering what might be the meaning of this summons, an honest man, of the shcri ffe's neighbourhood, came and gave them uotice, that the sherifFc had some dcsigne in agitation, for he had assembled and arn1'd about fourscore of his neighbours, to goe out with them to Newark, and, as they heard, from thence to Southwcll, and from thence to No ttingham, through which towne many ann' cl men marcht day and night, to their greate terror. lVIr. Hutchinson, upon this intimation, went home, and instead of going to mee te the sheriffe, sent an excuse, by an intelligent " Dy tbe king is here meant Charles the Second.