lll in the family, that these two last descendants of Col. Hutchinson emigrated, the one to the "\i\1 est Indies or America, the other to Russia; the latter is said to have gone out with the command of a ship of war given by Queen Anne to the Czar Peter, and to have been lost at sea. One of the female descendants of the former the editor once met with by accident at Portsmouth, and she spoke with great warmth of the veneration in which his descendants in the 'new world held the memory of their ancestor Col. Hutchinson. Of the daugh ters little more is known than that Mrs. I-Iutchinson, addre~sing one of her books of devotion to her daughter Mrs. Orgill, ascertains that one of them was married to a gen tleman of that name. The family of Mr. Ge01·ge I-Iutchinson likewise became extinct in the second generation. Charles Hutchinson, only son of Sir Thomas Hutchinson by Lady Catharine Stanhope, married one of the da ughters and coheiresses of Sir Franc is Boteler, of Hatfield Woodhall, Herts; which family being zealous royalists, and he solicitous to gain their favour, (which he did so effectually, as in the end to obtain nearly their whole inheritance), it is probable that he gave small encouragement or assistance to the elder branch of the family while they suffered for t heir republican sentiments; on the contrary, it is certain that he purchased of Mrs. Hutchinson and her son, aft er the death of Col. Hutchinson, their estate at Owthorpe, which joined to what his fa ther had given him, and what he obtained by his marriage, raised him to more opulence than his father had ever possessed; and he seems not to have fall en short of him in popularity, for he represented the towne of Nottingham in parliament from the year 1690, (being the first general election after the accession of King William),. till his death. His son J ulius returned into that line of conduct and connections which was most natural for one of his descent, for he married Betty, daughter of Col. Norton, of Wellow, of the well-known pa triotic fah