Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

118 immediately a very good standing companie of foote, formed out of those townesmen, who first came in to list under him. lVIr. John Hutchinson had a full comp·anie of very honest godly men, who came for love .of him and the cause, out of the country. It was six' weekes before the collonell would be perswadcd to put on a sword, or to list any men, which at length he did, of substantial honest townesmen, and !VIr. Poulton, a nephew of Sr. Thomas Hutchinson, a stout young gentleman, who had seene some service abroad, was his captaine-lieftenant: there were two companies more mys'd, one under Captaine Lomax, and another under one Captaine Scrimpshire. The first thing these gentlemen did, was to call Captaine "\~'bite with his' dragoones, rays'd in No ttinghamshire, home to the service of his owne country, for Sr. John Gcll, at Derby, had receiv'd from Hull a regiment of grey coates, who were at first sent downe from London, for the assistance of that place, when the king attempted it. They alsoe sent to the Earle of Essex, to desire that Captaine heton, with a troope of horse, which he had carried o~t of the country, into his excellencies army, might be commanded back, for the present service of his country, 'till it were put into a posture of defence, which accordingly he was, and was maior of the horse regiment. They sent alsoe to the parliament, and receiv'd from them a commission, with instructions, whereby they were impower'd to · leavie forces and to rayse contributions, for the maintaining them, with all authority of seizing delinquents, sequestring, and the like. The comm\ttee appoynted were the parliament men that serv'd for the county, Mr. Francis Pierrepont, Mr. John f[utchinson, Mr. Francis Tbomhagh, Mr. Gervas Pigott, Mr. Henry Ireton, Mr. George Hutchinson, Mr. Joseph Widmerpoole, Mr. Gervas Lomax, Dr. Plumtre, the maior of Nottingham, Mr. James Chadwick, and Mr. Thomas Salusbury. Then did neighbouring counties every where associate, for the mutuall assistance of each <>ther; and the parliament commissionated mai01·-generalls, to com-