Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

122 By reason of the coldnesse of the collonell, the afr>1ires of the warre at Nottingham went more tardily on then elcc they would have done; but the gentlemen there, thinking it would be easier to prevent Newark, from being made a fortified garrison, then to take it when it was so, sent over to L incolne and Derby, to propound the business to them. At length it was, about Candl emas, agreed and appoynted that the forces of Nottingham and D erby should come on their side of the towne, and those of Lincolnc on the other. All the disaffected gentry of both those countries, were, at that time, gone into Newark, and one Ballard, a gentleman, who, decay'd in his famely, and owing his education to many of them, had bene bred up in the warres abroad, was commander in chicfe for the parliament in Lincolneshire. Much ado had the gentlemen of that county to engage him in the designe agianst Newa rk; but when he could not divert them, he was resolv'd to cast them away, rather then ruine his old benefactors. ' He had appoyntcd the forces of Nottingham, and Derby to come to a renclcvonz within a mile of Newark upon Saturday, upon .which day, all the perswasions the Lincolneshire gentlemen could use, could not prevai le with him to march out, according to appoyntment; which those at Newark had notice of; and had prepar'cl an ambnscade to ha1·e cult of all those rorces if they had then come to the place; but by providence of an extraordinary stormic season, they marcht not 'till the next day, and so were preserv'd from that danger, which no doubt was treacherously contriv'd. AssoC'Jne as they came, w l~o were about a thousand ho rse, foote, and dragoones, the Lincolneshire commanders inform'tl our's of the slowth and untoward carriage of Bainoticed in it s proper place. It is said, in a note by Julius Hutchinson, Esq. that Si r Thomas llu tchinson bought his two sons armour, though he knew not of their accepting commi ss ions against the king. 'i\' hat \Vas the armour for? Was it to serve the king against parliament f