Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

123 lard, and told them how that day, he had play'd his ordinance, at a mile's distance from the to\vne, and how, when the Newark horse tame out to face them, upon the Beacon Hill, he would not suffel' a man .of the Lincolneshire troopes to fall upon them, though the Lincolne horse were many more in number then they, and in all probabillity might have beaten them. The next day, notwithstanding JVI r. Hutchinson went to him, to give him an account of the forces they had bronght, and to rccei,·c orders, he could have none, but a carelesse answer to stand at such a side of the towne and fall on as they saw occasion. Accordingly they did, and beat.e the enemie from their workes, with the losse of only fonr or five men, ' and entrencht themselves; when the night comming on upon them, they provided straw to have lodg'd in their trenches, all the night. On the other side of the towne, Cap taine King of Lincolneshire had taken a streete, cut up a: chaine, and placed a drake' in a house; whereupon the Newark gentlemen were al lmost resolv'd to yield up the towne, and some of them began to flie out of it, but Ballard would not suffer the horse to persue them, only one captaine went out without his leave and tooke fifty horses, and turn'd back Mr. Sutton and many others that were flying out of the towne. At length, when he could no othenvay preserve his olde patrons, but by betraying his friends, he ordcr'd Capt. King to re treate; whereupon the whole force of Newark fell upon the forces of Nottingham and Derby, in their trenches, where they fought very resolutely, 'ti ll a Lincolneshire trooper cat1le and bade them fiie for their li ves, for elce they were all lost men. At this two hundred Lincolneshire men, whom Ballard with much entreaty had sent to relieYe them, first ran away, and then Sr. John Gell's grey coates made their retreate after them; Maior llutchinson and Capt. White, all this while, kept their trenches, and commanded their Nottingham men t Drake, a piece of cannon so called.