128 his sonne, to pcrswade his father to declare himsclfe; but he told them, he knew his fathe/s affections were firme to the parliament, that he had encourag'd him to ioin with them, and promis'd him money to carrie it on, and such like things, which he continually assur'd them, till the collonell's cold behaviour, and some other passages, made them at length, those at least who were finne to the cause, iealous both of the father and the sonne. Hereupon when the da1~ger grew more imminent, and my lord lay out a brave prey to the enemie, they sent Captaine Lomax, one of the committee, to understand his affections from himselfe, and to presse him to declare for the parliament, in that so needful! season. My lord professing himselfe to him rather desirous. of peace, and fully resolv'd not to act on either side, made a serious imprecation on himselfe in these words: "'V hen," said he, " I take armes with the king against " the parliament, or with the parliament against the king, let a " cannon bullett devide me betweene them;" which God was pleas'i:l to bring to passe a few months after: for he, going into Gainsborough, and there taking up armes for the king, was snrpri%'d by my lord Willoughby, and, after a handsome defence of himselfe, yielded, and was put prisoner into a pinnace, and sent downe the river to Hull, when my lord Newcastle's armie marching allong the shore, shot at the pinnace, and being in danger, the Earle of Kingston went up upon the decks to shew himselfe, and to prevaile with them to forbeare shooting," but assoone as he appear'd a cannon bullett flew from the king's armie and devided him in the middle, being then in the parliament's pinnace, who perished according to his ownc unhappie imprecation. His declaring himselfe for the king, as it enforced the royal!, so it weak'n~d the other party. ,; This is a most singular story, and no doubt peculiarly gratifying to a fatali st to recite; it is however assuredly true, being mentioned by several historians, with only the difference of his being said to be under, instead of on, the deck; the latter of which is far the most probable.