Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

130 with the queene, and every day receiv'd and sent trumpetts, of which he would give no account. Then was Nottingham more sadly di~trest by their friends then by their enemies; for Hot_ham's and Gell's men not only Jay upon free quarter, as all the rest did, but made such havock and plunder of friend and foe, that ' twas a sad thing for any one that had a generous heart to behold it. ·when the committee offer'd Hotham to assigne him quarters for his men, because they were better acquainted with the country, he would tell them he was no stranger in any English ground. He had a greate deale of wicked wilt, and would make sport with the miseries of the poore country, and, having treason in his heart, licens'd his souldiers, which were the scumme of mankind, to all villanies in the country that might make their pm·tie odious. Mr. Hutchinson was much vext to see the country wasted, and that little part of it , which they could only hope to have contribution ii·om, eaten up by a company of men who, insteed of relieving them, devour'd them, and Hotham's souldiers, having taken away goods from some honest men, he went to him to desire restitution of them, and that he would restraine his souldi ers from plunder; whereupon Hotham replied, « he fought for liberty, and expected it in all things." Replies folJow'd, and they grew to high language; I-Iotham bidding him, if he found himselfe griev'd, to complaine to the parliament. l\fr. Hutchinson was passionately concern'd, and this being in the open field, Coli. Cromwell, who had likewise had greate provocations ii·om him, began to shew himselfe affected with the countrie's injuries, and the idle wast of such a considerable force, through the unexperience of the chiefe commander, and the· disobedience and irregnlarities of the others; so they, at that time, being equally zealous for the publick service, advis'd together to seeke a remedie, and dispatcht away a post to London, who had no greater ioy in the world then such employments as tended to the displacing of greate persons, whether· they deserv'd it or not; him they sent away immediately from the