Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

137 came, it '~ould then be time enough, after the alarum was given, to draw them to the workes, unlesse they were surpriz'd. It was not only the towne mallignants, that murmur'd at the drawing up of the ordinance, but Dr. Plumtre, hearing that the forces were to march away, was raging att it, whereupon being answer'd, that it was for the more publick intere&t of the cause, in greate passion he 1'eplied, " What is the cause to me if my goods be " lost?" The governor told him, he might prevent that hazard and secure them in the castle. He replied, " It pittied him to soyle " them, and ,he had rather the enemie had them, then they should " be spoyl'd in remooving." While this was boyling upon his spiritt, he mett the governor, with some other gentlemen, in the streete, and began to rayle at him for conntenancing the godly townsmen, whom he call'd a company of puritanicall prick-ear'd rascalls, and say'd, the worst of the mallignants, the governor had sent out of the towne, were honester men then the best of those he favour'd, and in spight of his teeth he would have three of the most eminent of them, turn' cl out of the castle: the governor telling him, he would maintaine them as the most faithfull friends to the cause, Plumtre replied he \vas as honest to the cause as the governor. " No," say'd the governor (who was not ignorant of his atheism), " that you cannot be, for you goe not upon the same principles." The doctor told him, it was false, with such uncivill insolence, that the governor struck him, at which he departed quietly home; and after two or three dayes, retir'd with his wife and children to the house of Mr. Parkyns of Bunney, who was at that time in arms against the parliament, where he stay'd till the parliament forces were routed, and Nottingham castle summon'd and preparing for a siege, and then he sent a ridiculous challenge to the governor, with a ll the fool ish circumstances imaginable, which the governor, at that present, only answer'd with contempt: the pretence he made,