Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

143 inson told him, "If my lord would have that poore castle, he nwst ·" wade to it in blood." Which words they say he told his general!. After these summons were receiv'd, the governor drew all his souldiers into the castle, and committed the guard of the towne to the aldermen, who were to sett guards of fifty in a night, according to their wards. Then calling together his souldiers, he once againe represented to them their condition, and told them, that being religious and honest men, he could be assured no extremity would make them faile, in what they fou;Jd themselves strong enough to undertake, and therefore he should not feare to lett them freely understand their danger, which yet they had power to shpnne, and therefore whatever rniserie might be the issue of their undertaking, they could not iuslly impute it to him, it being their owne election; for after this summoi1s they must expect the enemie, and to be reduc'd to the utmost extremity by thetn, that thought could reach: it must not moove them to see their houses flaming, and, if need were, themselves f1ring of them, for the publique ad1·antage, to see the peices of their famelies, cruelly abus'd and consum'd before them; they must resolve upon hard dutie, fierce assaults, poore and sparing diet, perhaps famine, and want of all comfmtable accommo~ations; nor was there very apparent hope of reliete at last, but more then common hazard of loosing their ljves, either in defence of their fort, or with the place; which, for want of good fortifications, and through disadvantage of a neighbouring mount and building, was not, in humane probability, tenable against such an armie as threaten' cl it: all which, for his owne part, he was resolv'd on, and if any of them found his courage fai ling, he only desir'd they would provide for their safety, in time, clcewhere, and not preiudice him that nobleman acted in a much more ingenuous manner, and, as is before related in a quotation from Sir P. VVarwick's Memoirs, turned the imputation into a jest; pro~ bably hi5 indifference about the religion of his sold iers caused the epithet of, Atheistical, to ~e applied to him, certainly without sufficient reason. y