Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

152 notice of it. All the horse having bene drawne out of Nottingham to the relicfe of Gainsborough, and the Newarkcrs, knowing that the garrison was utterly destitute, plunder'd all the country, even Lo the walls of Nottingham; upon which some godly men oflcr'cl themselves to bring in their horses, and forme a troope for the defence of tbe country, and one :Mr. Palmer, a minister, had a commission to be their captaine.' T his man had a bold, ready, earnes t way of preaching, and Jiv'd holily and regularly, as to outward conversation, whereby he gott a greate repu tation among the godly, and this reputation swell' cl his spi ritt, which was very vaine-glorious, covetous, contentious, and ambitious: he had insinuated himselfe so as to make these godly men desire him for their captaine, which he had more vehement longing after then they, yett would have it believ'd that it was rather prest upon him, then he prest into it; and therefore being at that Lime in the castle with his famely, and feeding at the governor's table, who gave him. roome in his owne lodgings, and all immaginable respect, he came to the governor and his wife, telling them that these honest people prest him very much to be their cap-- taine, and desiring their friendly and christian advice, whether he should accept or refuse it. They freely told him that having enter'd into a charge of another kind, they thought it not fitt to engage in this, and tha t he might as much advance the publique service and satisfie the men in marching with them in the nature of a chaplaine, as in that of a captaine. He that ask' cl not councell, to take any contrary to his first resolve, went away confus'd, when he found he was not adviz'd as he would have bene, and sayd he would endeavour to p er~uade them to be content; and after sayd, they would not be otherwise satisfied, and so he was forct to accept the commission. The governo r having only declar'd hi ' owne iudgement when he was askt, as a Christian ought to doe, according to his conscience, left the captaine to act according to his owne, and censur'd him not, r This, if not unique, is at least a singular trait.