156 in the aftcrnoone, the governor saw a greate many goods and persons going over the Line bridge, and not knowing what it meant, sent some cannon bullets after them, when on the other side of the towne he discern'd a body of men, whom he knew not at first, whether friends or foes, but having at that time about eightscorc men in the castle, for in that five dayes space fourscore were come in by stealth, he caus'd them all to be drawnc out in the castle yard. and perceiving that those he last saw were friends, he sent out his brother, Maior Hutchinson, with all the musketeers that could be spared, to helpe drive the enemie out of the tOWJJe. They lmYing effected what they came for, in fortifying the bridges, had nothing more to doe but to gct t safe of, which they endeavour\] with more hast and disorder then became good and stout souldiers. iVhen l\1aior Hutchinson came into the towne with his men, they grccdie of knowing what was become of their wives and houses, dropt so fast from behind him, to make the enquirie, that they had left him only in the head of sixteene men, when Sr. llichard Biron, with Captaine Ilacker, follow'cl by a whole troope of horse and a foote company, came upon him. The maior commanded his men to charge them, which they did, bnt shott over, yet fn!!ing in with them pell mell , they had gotten Sr. Richard Biron downe, and they had his halt, but he escaped, though his h01se was so wounded that it fell dead in the next streete. These men that came to the governor's rcliefe were Captaine 'White with his troope, who quarter'd at Leicester, in his relurne from Lincolneshire, from whence he was coming back to Nottingham, and a t Leicester melt the messenger the goi"C·rnor had sent for assistance, ivb ich he prosecuted so, that from the two ga rrisons of Leicester and Derby, with his owne troope, he brought about f0ur hundred men. Assoone as they we re come into tile towne Sr. John Gcll's men, seeing the cavalliers had a mind to be gone, interrupted them not, but being as dextrous nt plunder as fight,