1.59 could not doe it, and would by no means be entreated to goe on, nor to stay one day longer, but to stand by, while the governor made the attempte, }vith his owne men. He, when he saw he could not prevaile, thought it not convenient, at that time, to urge his men, . beyond their power, after they had had a week of such sore labour,. and so, much discontented that he could not effect his desire, he drew back his ordinance into the castle. Here his weomen, while the men were all otherwise employ'd, had provided him as large a supper as the time and present ~ond ition would permit, at which he entertain'd all the strangers, and his owne officers and gentlemen. There was a large roome, which was the chapell,. in the cas tell: this they had fill' cl full of prisoners, besides a very bad prison, which was no better than a dungeon, call' cl the Lion's Den; and the new Captaine Palmer, and another minister, having nothing elce to doe, walk'd up and do~vne the castle yard, insulting and beating the poore prisoners as they were brought up. In the encounter, one of the Derby captaines was slaine, and five of om men hurt, who for want of another surgeon, were brought to the governor's wife, and she having some excellent balsoms and plaisters in her closett, with the assistance of a gentleman that had some skill, drest all their wounds, whereof some· were dangerous, being all shotts, with such good successe, that they were·all well cured in convenient time.' After dur hurt men were clrest, as she stood at her chamber do01·e, seeing three of the· prisoners sorely cutt, and carried downe bleeding into· the Lion's Den, she desir'd the marshall Y The reader will remember that the mother of M,rs. Hutchinson ,had patronized and assisted Sir \~alter Raleigh, when prisoner in the Tower, in his chymical experiments, and had acquired a little knowledge of medicine; whether bcr daughter had obtained instructions from her motlwr, or the mother herself was here (for she passed the latter part- of her li fe with her daughter, and died in her house at Owthorpe), is uncertain.-l\1rs. Hutchinson was certainly nn extraordinary woman, and this is not one of the least singular, nor least amiable instances of it. 2 A