Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

16'Z tlwm a piece of ordinance out of his castle; which false reporl., when the governor heard, peek'd him heartly, being so notorious a lie; for he drew downe two pieces of ordinance, and could not entreate them but to stand by, while he attempted it with his ownc men, bat their Maior Molanus, being an old souldier, discourag'd our souldiers, and told them, it was a vaine and impossible attempt. :For this cause, the governor resolv'd he would sett upon it alone, whenever it was seasonable, and watching an opportunity, he soone tooke it, at a time, when intelligence was brought him, tha t all the forces Newark could send forth, were gone upon a designe into Lincolneshire. Then, on the Lord's Day, under colour of hearing a sermon at the greate church in the towne, he went thither, and after sermon, from the steeple, tooke a view of the fort at the bridges, no one perceiving his designe, but his engineer, who was with him, and tooke a full survey of Hacker's workes. Then, after supper, he call'd the committee together, and communicated his intentions to them, which they approv'd of. So all that night he spent in preparations against the next morning; he sent away orders to the horse and foote that lay at Broxtowe to come to him in the morning by eight. of the clock, with all the pioneers they could gather up in the country; he sent into the towne, and caused all the pioneers there to be brought up, under pretence of making a brestwork before the castle gates, and pretending to se tt them upon the platformes, caused all the cannon basketts to be fill'd, which be intended for rolling trenches. All things, betimes in the motning, being gotten into perfect readinesse, and so discreetly order'd, that the enemie had no notice from any of their friends in towne, nor knew aniething of the designe, till it was readie, the governor, about eleven of the clock, on Munday morning, marcht out, although the weather at that time, being very tempestuous and rayny, seem'd to have combin'd with his enemies a1}d withstood the attempt; but the souldiers were rather animated then discourag'd,